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廖伟华 2023-05-04 17:51:57


part Ⅰ 听力理解(listening comprehension)

听力理解分两部分:section a 和 section b,答题时间为 30 分钟。

section a:对话(conversations)

本部分共 5 个对话,每个对话分别由100个左右的单词组成,旨在测试考生对英语对话的听力理解能力,要求考生能理解所听对话的中心思想和主要内容,并能根据所听到的内容进行逻辑推理、分析概括和归纳总结。

题型包括大意概括题 ( questions for the general idea )、具体细节题 ( questions for specific details ) 和判断推理题 ( questions for inference )。每个对话附有3个小题,每个小题附有 4 个选项,要求考生在听完每个对话之后,根据所听内容于12秒内从中选出1个最佳答案。对话及问题只读1遍。

该部分共15个小题,序号为 1~15.每题1分,共计15分。例:


w: can you tell me about yourself, please?

m: sure, my name's harry, 18 years old, currently studying biology and chemistry at school. as you are aware, i hope to pursue a career in medicine.

w: harry, why do you want to be a doctor?

m: well, everyone in my family is a doctor, so i think i can follow on nicely.

w: apart from treating patients, what do you think being a doctor is going to require?

m: well, you also need to be academic and have to be an excellent communicator with your team and the patients.

question number 1: what are the two speakers talking about?

question number 2: why does harry choose to be a doctor?

question number 3: what is mentioned by harry as one of the requirements for a doctor?


1. a. switching to biology and chemistry.

b. choosing to be a family physician.

c. going to college.

d. being a doctor.


2. a. because of his family's influence.

b. because of the fact that he's young.

c. because of the practical skills he has.

d. because of his love for biology and chemistry.


3. a. a strong sense of responsibility.

b. good communicative skills.

c. excellent health.

d. great patience.


section b:短文(passages)

本部分共由 5 篇短文组成,每篇短文由 150 个左右的单词组成。旨在测试考生对英语篇章的听力理解能力。要求考生能理解所听短文的中心思想和主要内容,并能根据所听到的内容进行逻辑推理、分析概括和归纳总结。

题型包括大意概括题(questions for the general idea)、具体细节题(questions for specific details)和判断推理题(questions for inference)。每篇短文附有 3 个小题,每个小题附有 4 个选项,要求考生在听完每篇短文后,根据所听内容于 12 秒内从中选出 1 个最佳答案。短文及问题只读一遍。

该部分共 15 个小题,序号为 16~30.每题 1 分,共计15分。例:


we commonly think that our health is affected by our age, gender, lifestyle and genetic factors that we inherit from our parents. however, these factors are only a small part of what affects our health. other factors include our social relationships, income, education and working conditions. let's look at stress for example. unemployment or poor working conditions create unstable life situations and cause stress, which has negative effects on health. one major factor, education, determines income or employment. however, even if you are employed, some workplace conditions, such as lack of flexibility and control over your workday can cause stress. as you can see, many complex social processes and other factors are connected with one another to affect our health. studying how these factors work together in large populations is a challenge for researchers and that is what we would like to look at next.

question number 16: what is the passage mainly about?

question number 17: what does the speaker intend to say by mentioning stress?

question number 18: what does the speaker call for at the end of the passage?


16. a. the role of genetic factors.

b. the factors that affect health.

c. the impact of lifestyle on health.

d. the importance of working conditions.


17. a. people with jobs have less stress.

b. the more education, the less stress.

c. many factors affect health via stress.

d. stress is not related to genetic make-up.


18. a. more challenging research on workplace stress.

b. a better understanding of stress-health relationship.

c. a better connection between medical research and practice.

d. more research on the combined effects of health-related factors.


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