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廖伟华 2023-03-28 11:13:19

1. Abandonment: the act of leaving someone or something behind and no longer caring for them

2. Aberration: a departure from what is normal or expected

3. Abiotic: non-living

4. Abjure: to renounce or reject something, especially under oath

5. Abnegation: the act of renouncing or rejecting something

6. Abolition: the act of doing away with something, usually a law or practice

7. Abominable: extremely unpleasant or disgusting

8. Aboriginal: indigenous or native to a particular place or region

9. Abortion: the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable

10. Abrasion: the process of wearing away or rubbing against something

11. Abrogate: to repeal or annul a law or agreement

12. Abscission: the act of cutting off or removing something, especially a part of a plant

13. Abscond: to leave quickly and secretly, often to avoid arrest or punishment

14. Absolution: forgiveness or pardon for a sin or wrongdoing

15. Absorbent: able to soak up or take in liquid or moisture

16. Abstain: to refrain from doing something, especially something enjoyable or pleasurable

17. Abstract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence

18. Abstruse: difficult to understand or comprehend, obscure

19. Abundance: a large amount or quantity of something

20. Acausal: having no apparent cause or explanation

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