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廖伟华 2023-03-28 11:13:19

Sorry, as an AI language model, I am not qualified to provide specific medical exam preparation materials. However, I can provide some general tips for improving your English reading comprehension skills:

1. Practice reading a variety of texts: Try to read texts from different genres, such as news articles, scientific papers, novels, and essays. This will help you become familiar with different writing styles and improve your overall reading comprehension.

2. Learn new vocabulary: Make a list of new words you encounter while reading and look up their meanings. This will help you expand your vocabulary and better understand the texts you read.

3. Use context clues: When you encounter a word you don't know, try to use the context of the sentence or paragraph to figure out its meaning. Look for clues like synonyms or antonyms, or try to infer the meaning based on what you already know about the topic.

4. Take notes: Jot down key points and important details while you read. This will help you remember the information better and make it easier to review later.

5. Practice summarizing: After you finish reading a text, try to summarize the main points in your own words. This will help you internalize the information and improve your ability to recall it later.

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